
Hi there! This is Esben, an elegant photography theme. Are you ready to show your work to the world?


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If what they say about rain on your wedding day being “lucky” is just something to calm our nerves, what they really need to say is that it creates a warm, cozy, intimate  atmosphere-the way Mother Nature intended it to be…

They also say that if it rained on your wedding day, you would shed very few tears throughout your marriage. We also heard that sun on your wedding means just the same!

Luckily for us, we had both! But, not even the crazy weather could dampen the love and joy that filled this day as Vick, driven by passion, whether at Beaver Lake on Mont-Royal or on the dance floor, did an exceptional job at capturing every moment in a colorful way!

We wanted to thank you for your professionalism, your dedication, your absolute desire for perfection and your spirit in making each moment count.

We are truly blessed to have chosen such an amazing photographer who genuinely cares about the work he does.

Hala & Nuno

And I’d like to thank Harout Karnigian for second shooting with me, these are a few of my favourites.

DJ: Marco Ferri

Hall: Plaza Volare

Flowers: Florateria montreal

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